Functional Movements

The Devil's Press

Devil's Press The Devil's Press is a high-intensity CrossFit exercise that combines a burpee with a dumbbell snatch, providing a full-body workout. Here's how to do it: Starting Position: Stand...

The Devil's Press

Devil's Press The Devil's Press is a high-intensity CrossFit exercise that combines a burpee with a dumbbell snatch, providing a full-body workout. Here's how to do it: Starting Position: Stand...

Wall ball (Medicine Ball) Exercise

The wall ball exercise involves squatting and throwing a medicine ball against a wall, targeting multiple muscle groups and providing a full-body workout. It helps develop strength, power, and cardiovascular...

Wall ball (Medicine Ball) Exercise

The wall ball exercise involves squatting and throwing a medicine ball against a wall, targeting multiple muscle groups and providing a full-body workout. It helps develop strength, power, and cardiovascular...

Rope Climbs - Functional Exercise

Rope climb training involves specific exercises and techniques to develop upper body strength, grip endurance, and coordination necessary for rope climbing. It includes grip strength exercises, upper body strength training,...

Rope Climbs - Functional Exercise

Rope climb training involves specific exercises and techniques to develop upper body strength, grip endurance, and coordination necessary for rope climbing. It includes grip strength exercises, upper body strength training,...

The Deadlift

The deadlift is a compound strength exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, including the posterior chain. It involves lifting a loaded barbell or weighted object from the ground to an...

The Deadlift

The deadlift is a compound strength exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, including the posterior chain. It involves lifting a loaded barbell or weighted object from the ground to an...

Ring Dips - Bodyweight Exercise

Ring dips are a bodyweight exercise commonly performed in CrossFit and gymnastics training. They target the muscles of the chest, triceps, shoulders, and core. Ring dips are performed using gymnastic...

Ring Dips - Bodyweight Exercise

Ring dips are a bodyweight exercise commonly performed in CrossFit and gymnastics training. They target the muscles of the chest, triceps, shoulders, and core. Ring dips are performed using gymnastic...

Shoulder to Overhead - Barbell

Shoulder to Overhead is a movement commonly found in CrossFit workouts where the athlete lifts a weight from the shoulders and presses it overhead. It engages multiple muscle groups and...

Shoulder to Overhead - Barbell

Shoulder to Overhead is a movement commonly found in CrossFit workouts where the athlete lifts a weight from the shoulders and presses it overhead. It engages multiple muscle groups and...

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Functional Movements

Discover the art of moving your body in ways that enhance your everyday life, improve performance, and promote overall well-being

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